Fresh Meet

Kaitlin Villanueva

Katt’s current area of focus is ceramic. For her, art acts as a therapeutic outlet where she can fully express herself without judgement. Her favorite artist is Juno Birch, their avant-garde and colorful style is something Katt looks for in her own work. Katt is most excited to grown among like-minded artists during her time at Alfred University. . If Katt could collaborate with any artist in the world it would be David Lynch. Katt adores his work and style, together they would create a mural or, perhaps, a short film.

Check out Katt on Instagram! @kattcvilla

Brave Faces, 9″ x 6.2″, sharpie, marker, acrylic paint
Clam Mouth, 5″ x 3.5″ x 4″, hand-built/thrown ceramic
Still Life #2, 12″ x 18″, pencil

By Robert C. Turner Student Gallery

A student run and envisioned gallery at the New York State School of Ceramics at Alfred University.

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